Shotcrete application
- wet process
- dry process
PCC and SPCC repairs
Concrete and steel anti-corrosion protection
Fire resistant protection
Reinforcement with carbon tapes and mats
Adhesion and sealing injections
Mineral injections

We specialize in dry and wet process application of shotcrete. The dry mixes may be sprayed up to a distance of 400- 500 meters horizontally and 150 meters vertically.
We design and manufacture mixes based on quartz and basalt aggregates with grain size 0-4 mm and 0-8 mm.
We prepare mixes for sulfate- and fire-resistant shotcrete, and other.
We also specialize in performing architectural shotcrete.
Our spectacular achievement was the construction of a curvilinear wall with surface area of ~ 6000 square meters in the Museum of the History of the Polish Jews in Warsaw between 2010-2012. More>>